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Blog posts tagged with 'c++ MFC'

diy Browser - WebView2Browser:Creating a WebView2 component with MFC c++(Tsking)
Creating a WebView2 component with MFC c++
MFC c++模拟键盘按键,鼠标移动控制其他程序窗口(c++ Global Low Level Keyboard Hook)
MFC c++模拟键盘按键,鼠标移动
SendMessage to browser in the across application( process) with c++
SendMessage to browser in the across application( process) with c++
SendMessage to ListView control in the across application( process) with c++
  Introduction This article is for those who did not find,
SendMessage to ListView control in the same across application( process) with mfc c++
SendMessage to ListView control in the same across application( process) with mfc c++
Accessing MFC Objects from Multiple Threads with PostMessage
MFC objects are not thread-safe by themselves. Two separate threads cannot manipulate the same object unless you use the
MFC:Spy++ —— 窗口、消息查看分析利器
Microsoft Spy++是一个非常好的查看Windows操作系统的窗口、消息、进程、线程信息的工具,简单易用,功能强大。spy++ 是微软 Visual Studio 编译器自带的一款工具。