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Blog posts tagged with '.NET MAUI'

“.NET MAUI App” vs “.NET MAUI Blazor App” vs Blazor Hybrid and .NET MAUI app?
If you’re targeting web, we recommend Blazor for that, and then bringing those components to desktop and mobile with .NET MAUI and BlazorWebView.
.NET Maui app - 如何在.NET Maui中创建ANDROID后台服务
  https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/app-fundamentals/services/foreground-services https://cloud.t
Part 2 - How to Building an Android app require .NET 6 with .NET MAUI Step by step?-app data storage options
.NET MAUI provides multiple storage options for caching data locally on a device, depending on the nature, structure, an
Part 1 - How to Building an Android app require .NET 6  with .NET MAUI Step by step?
How to Building an Android app require .NET 6 with .NET MAUI Step by step? Install MAUI with Visual Studio 2022 (Preview)
.NET MAUI 应用程序中生命周期事件
  跨平台生命周期 以下是跨平台应用中提供的一些预定义生命周期事件: Created: 应用从未运行状态移动到正在运行状态时发生。通常,当我们启动新窗口时。 Activated: 当窗口从未聚焦状态移动到聚焦状态(未聚
Android|Android Studio|Visual Studio编程入门教程之目录和总结
1.Android Studio编程入门教程之目录 2.compare Xamarin.Forms vs Xamarin.Native vs Xamarin .NET MAUI
Error - Could Not Find android.jar For API Level 31 And Java SDK 11.0 .NET 6
As Visual Studio 2022 is the latest version in the preview stage, there are some common errors regarding the initial set
Android|Visual Studio|.NET MAUI-How to generate an .apk file from .NET MAUI Android target using Visual Studio?
.NET MAUI Android target publishing/archiving