
博客文章标记 'Ubuntu'

How to Deploy a New Instance on Vultr Step by Step
How to Set Up Nginx on a Ubuntu Server with Vultr Introduction
Configuring Automatic LetsEncrypt SSL Certificate Renewal
How to automatically renew Let’s Encrypt certbot certs on Ubuntu?In this tutorial we have scheduled the certbot to auto-renew Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates before they expire.
Ubuntu Journalctl :How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs
How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs
Ubuntu 服务器棋牌游戏服务器安全风险
禁止密码登录,改密钥登录。 防火墙关闭22端口,只能通过wireguard虚拟内网访问[doge]。运行了2年多,无人入侵[doge],连爆破记录都没 强密码只能安慰自己。尽量减少可登入机器数和应用(防火墙,fail2ban都必须开),更改默认端口(减少爆破可能)仅限公钥登入,限制登入后权限(非root),sudo必须带密码,保持系统安全更新,就这一套下来上帝来才能攻进来。 azure上的安全建议是服务器公网访问关掉,内网里面弄个跳转机连vpn访问。直接公网ip访问还简单密码等于是不设防 如果是大厂服务器还是搞密钥吧,ssh密码安全性还是不够,何况还是简单的密码 心太大了,公网端口是无时无刻不被扫的,暴露在公网的服务任何时候都不要有弱密码 应该是全自动扫,以前我的也被扫,不过我开了两步验证,不过没进来,能看到很多尝试记录,一眼就是程序批量扫。
Installing GUI Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 Server
Installing GUI Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 Server
How to restart systemd service in case of failure on Ubuntu

Configure systemd service to be restarted in case of failure.

restart systemd service on process death [SOLVED]

vultr vps:How to enable IPv6 Address on a Vultr instance?
vultr vps主机配置IPV6详细教程
How to Use the ls Command to List Files and Directories on Linux
How to Use the ls Command to List Files and Directories on Linux