
博客文章标记 'ASP.NET Core Globalization and localization'

How to Building a Multi-Lingual ASP.NET Core 5.x web Application localization with mongodb step by step
This article will also demonstrate how the ASP.NET Core framework can be modified to match your requirements, creating new conventions and service implementations that you can easily include when composing your application.
ASP.NET code samples for localization
 ASP.NET   the culture settings for localization
Table of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values Method
Table of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values Method
ASP.NET Core localization middleware with JSON resource files
ASP.NET Core localization middleware with JSON resource files
how to use SQL localization in ASP.NET Core using an SQL database.
This article shows how to use SQL localization in ASP.NET Core using an SQL database. The SQL localization in the demo u
如何快速判断一个 IP 是否属于中国?
如何快速判断一个 IP 是否属于中国?
ASP.NET Core localization middleware with sql localization


Localization Setup

Multi-language website:7 Tips and Techniques For Multi-language Website Accessibility
A multi-lingual website is a website where the content is written in more than one language. The information displayed in different languages is often the same, but maybe tailored for different audiences.
How to write a CustomRequestCultureProvider in asp .Net Core

we able to detect language by providers already exists. To use them just add the providers to RequestCultureProv

How ASP.NET core determines the culture settings for localization

How ASP.NET Core determines the culture settings for localization