
博客文章标记 'asp.net core'

ASP.NET Core API 版本控制
http://www.cnblogs.com/tdfblog/p/asp-net-core-api-versioning.html ASP.NET Core API 版本控制 可以另外建一个控制器。比如这样的代码结构:Controlle
how we can allow a user to pick a specific culture and then save that against their user profile
Getting started To start off with I created a simple ASP.NET 5 application using Visual Studio, and ensure I have set A
ASP.NET Core Custom User login
In some reason, you might want to avoid using standard Identity package to work with users, roles, permissions etc. I ha
Send Mail Using SendGrid In .NET Core
This post is about sending emails using Send Grid API in .NET Core. SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that allows
SPA template based on the Vue Webpack in ASP.NET core 2.0
So the last week I have been delving into Vue.js. This wasn’t exactly intentional - with .NET core 2.0 being relea
.Net Core 定时任务TimeJob
定时任务使用的是 Pomelo.AspNetCore.TimedJob Pomelo.AspNetCore.TimedJob是一个.NET Core实现的定时任务job库,支持毫秒级定时任务、从数据库读取定时配置、同步异步定时任
.NET Core开源组件:后台任务利器之Hangfire
.NET Core开源组件:后台任务利器之Hangfire   一.简述 Hangfire作为一款高人气且容易上手的分布式后台执行服务,支持多种数据库。在.net core的环境中,由Core自带的DI管理着生命周期,免去了
ASP.NET Core 2.0 使用支付宝PC网站支付
更新日志 2017-11-3 新增ASP.NET Core 中间件 2017-10-30 修复在Linux上无法使用的BUG 前言 最近在使用ASP.NET Core来进行开发,刚好有个接入支付宝支付的需求,百度了一下没找到相关的资
Support Multiple Versions Of ASP.NET Core Web API
Now a days REST APIs are quite commonly used in web applications. At times you may need to provide multiple versions of
Creating an ASP.NET Core TagHelper(3): Common Tag Helpers
FormTagHelper.zip Easily Add PDF Word & Excel Function to Your .NET Apps   IntroductionIn my previous a