
博客文章标记 'asp.net core'

ASP.NET Core 1.0 Localization Demo for Web Applications-Localization of error messages for a view model,Localization of the Display attribute of a model property using prior ASP.NET Core 1.0 resources,,Localization for enums and enum elements using EnumHelper

This project demonstrates localization demo. Localization with IStringLocalizer,

Localization with 

How to Set Kestrel Console Output Color from ILogger in Asp .Net Core

     The colors in ILogger implementation are decided based on the LogLevel that is being logged. The

Error RZ3007: Targeted tag name cannot be null or whitespace in Asp .Net core 2.1

Error: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Compilation.Compilation Failed Exception: One or more compilation failures occu

all blog for .net core



.NET CORE——Console中使用依赖注入


我们都知道,在 ASP.NET CORE 中通过依赖注入的方式来使用服务十分的简单,而在 Console 中,其实也

ASP.NET Core中两个Application和scope不同作用域的ServiceProvider


我们一致在说 ASP.NET Core广泛地使用到了依赖注入,通过前面两个系列的介绍,相信

ASP.NET Core获取所有注入(DI)服务


获取ASP.NET Core中所有注入(DI)服务,在ASP.NET Core中加入了Dependency In

How to Localize ASP.NET Core Model Binding Error Messages,Display Attribute,Validation



ASP.NET Core Localization Samp

vs2015 已经支持开发asp .net core 1.0 rc2 程序了
一、下载下面的三个程序 1..NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 SDK Preview1 win64 http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/1/0/2107669A-0DF9-4A
Asp .net core 多web 同端口解决方案
nginx+ docker(webapp1)+docker(webapp2)  .