
博客文章标记 'office excel'

How to make a 32bit ActiveX.exe (com server) with VB 6.0 calling by Excel 64bit vba step by step(ztz)?
How to make a ActiveX.exe in VB 6.0 step by step
Excel VBA:Using Visual Studio Code with Xvba Tools Instead of Built in VBA IDE Editor
Excel VBA:Edit VBA in VSCode with Xvba Tools
C#项目中操作Excel文件的四种方式(access excel file in my application  using .Net and c# for development in a system where ms office is not installed)
C#项目中操作Excel文件的四种方式 Is there a C# code to read and display Excel sheets? 不存在,通讯的时候用的是DDE,所以OLE曾经不是基于COM的。OLE 2.0就是基于COM了。考虑到OLE 1.0现在已经基本没人用了,说OLE是基于COM也没有什么问题。微软目前提到OLE的时候一般是特指复合文档(比如在WordPad里面插入MSPaint这样),除非加一个2.0后缀。一些人继续用OLE这个名称称呼 作者:蒋晟 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/38612536/answer/85304442 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
Read/Write Excel file in .NET using DocumentFormat.OpenXml (.NET 5.x)
Read and Create/Write Excel file in C# .NET 5.x using DocumentFormat.OpenXml Read/Write Excel file in .NET using DocumentFormat.OpenXml
Office Excel VBA How to call a C# function from VBA and Excel
VSTO doesn't provide anything for developing user-defined functions for Excel. You need to create such projects on your
Office 32bit 64bit Completely uninstall Office tool Software
By default, Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 install the 32-bit version. You must explicitly choose to install the 64-bit version during setup. Starting with Office 2019 and Microsoft 365, the default is the 64-bit version.
制造业二维码追溯系统解析-用户需求沟通分析及excel VBA发货单
excel VBA发货单
VB6.0- What's the difference between standard exe, activex.exe, ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control and OLE server?
How to install Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows server 2016 step by step?
How to install Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows server 2016 step by step?