
博客文章标记 'asp.net core'

All Tools for bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core
Minifying Inline Css, Js and Html using package BuildBundlerMinifier in ASP.NET Core
.NET Core 两种GC模式:Server GC / Workstation GC设置
GC的一个有趣指标是“pause time”,这实际上意味着GC必须暂停运行时多长时间才能执行其工作。更长的暂停时间对延迟有直接的影响,而延迟是所有工作负载方式的关键指标。正如前面提到的,GC可能需要暂停线程为了得到一个一致的世界观,并确保它能安全地移动对象,但是如果一个线程正在执行C/c++代码在运行时,GC可能需要等到调用完成之前暂停的线程。因此,我们在托管代码而不是本机代码中做的工作越多,GC暂停时间就越好。
Custom Distributed caching with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase
Distributed caching can help to improve performance of an ASP.NET Core application. This is especially true for an ASP.N
How to write a CustomRequestCultureProvider in asp .Net Core

we able to detect language by providers already exists. To use them just add the providers to RequestCultureProv

How the Localization middleware detecte and sets the culture in asp.net core

In ASP.NET Core, the Localization middleware can be used to ensure the correct culture settings are applied when serv

Minifying Inline Css, Js and Html using BundlerMinifier in ASP.NET Core
Minifying Inline Css, Js and Html using BundlerMinifier in ASP.NET Core
asp .net core mvc中Url.RouteUrl或者Html.RouteLink实现灵活超链接,使href的值随路由名称或配置的改变而改变


How to enable gzip compression in ASP.NET Core
http://www.talkingdotnet.com/how-to-enable-gzip-compression-in-asp-net-core/ ASP.NET Core 1.1 has an inbuilt middleware
Prevent IIS (and potentially other reverse proxies) from unexpectedly compressing ASP.NET Core response

My Server-Sent Events Middleware seems to be a mine of interesting issues. The latest one was abo

Extending ASP.NET Core Response Compression With Support for Brotli
https://dzone.com/articles/extending-aspnet-core-response-compression-with-su-1 The amount of transferred data matters.