

ASP.NET Core 1.x Web API 开发-RESTful API实现
How to enable C++20 compiling in Visual Studio?
There's now a drop down (at least since VS 2019) where you can specifically select C++17. The available options are (und
Multiple Core Processors
Multiple-core processors have been available in personal computers since the early 2000s. Multi-core designs addressed the problem of processors hitting the ceiling of their physical limitations in terms of their clock speeds and how effectively they could be cooled and still maintain accuracy. By moving to extra cores on a single processor chip, manufacturers avoided problems with the clock speeds by effectively multiplying the amount of data that could be handled by the CPU.
with .NET 5, .NET Core and .NET Standard are merged-.NET 5.0 class library
But with .NET 5, .NET Core and .NET Standard are merged, and you don’t have to think about whether to use .NET Sta
Global Error Handling in ASP.NET Core API 3
http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/error-handling/web-api-global-error-handling oday there’s no easy way in Web
Building a blogging app with Blazor: Adding Authentication web api using JWT
Building a blogging app with Blazor: Adding Authentication web api using JWT
MongoDB C# Driver-Document
MongoDB stores data in JSON Documents. Actually, they are stored as Binary JSON (BSON) objects on disk
MongoDB C# Driver-Query by List,Cursor,linq 
  List Cursor linq using (var cursor = await col.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToCursorAsync()) { while (await cu
MongoDB C# Drive- lookup,GroupJoin,Projection
mongodb c#集合增加一个新字段、查找、删除某个值的记录、更改字段类型
新增字段 "ShippingAddress" : null, { "_id" : ObjectId("5f5c388909b35204ce080f12"), "Appid" : "", "AuthorOpenid" : ""