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How to interact from Android to PC


How do I interact with apps?

1.mirroring apps from your Android device to your PC

The Your Phone app is mirroring apps from your Android device to your PC, meaning you’ll see the same thing on your PC that’s being displayed on your Android device.

With Your Phone apps, you can instantly access the Android apps installed on your mobile device right on your PC. Using a Wi-Fi connection, Apps allows you to browse, play, order, chat, and more – all while using your PC’s larger screen and keyboard. You can add your Android apps as favorites on your PC, pin them to your Start menu and taskbar, and open them in separate windows to use side-by-side with apps on your PC – helping you stay productive.  



2.write our own app similar to AccessibilityService, that will track any changes on the screen and react to them accordingly

Android has a so called AccessibilityService – a built-in service and a set of API to develop applications for people with disabilities (mostly, people with eyesight and hearing problems).

This service is allowed to

Subscribe to screen state change events, such as when screen focuses on a particular element of layout, when text changes, when image scrolls, etc.
Read all content from the active screenIt was originally published on

Therefore, our task is fairly simple – to write our own app similar to AccessibilityService, that will track any changes on the screen and react to them accordingly (for example, by saving all accessed web link to browsing history, or writing Skype messages into a log )

It was originally published on https://www.apriorit.com/dev-blog/429-access-app-data-on-android-no-root

3.Power BI mobile app on Android devices

