
Android Emulator - Virtualbox+Genymotion( Android Emulator for app  Cross-platform)


Genymotion Android Emulator for app  Cross-platform

Genymotion is a virtual environment that allows you to simulate phones on your computer. You can create the phone and run apps through it as if you were playing them on a mobile device. It is used by developers to test their products. The system includes cloud technology that allows you to check websites and work alongside others.

Genymotion for Windows


Genymotion 必须要在CPU支持虚拟化的电脑上才能良好运行


step 1.安装 Virtualbox 以及 Android SDK 等基础软件

Oracle VM VirtualBox 官网:https://www.virtualbox.org/

Step 2.安装 Genymotion 模拟器


 Step 3.Genymotion 的美国官网注册一个账号并验证邮箱激活才能继续下一步




How to Use

