
How to Install Redis on Windows server


step 1:visit https://redis.io/download



step 2:download redis source zip



Redis 4.0.14 for Windows






step 3:build Redis using Visual Studio

You can use the free Visual Studio 2019. Open the solution file msvs\redisserver.sln in Visual Studio, select a build configuration (Debug or Release) and target (x64) then build.

This should create the following executables in the msvs$(Target)$(Configuration) folder:


 驱动器 D 中的卷没有标签。
 卷的序列号是 1069-D156

 D:\Temp\redis-win-3.2.100\msvs\Win32\Release 的目录

2019/09/22  00:52    <DIR>          .
2019/09/22  00:52    <DIR>          ..
2019/09/22  00:25            63,862 adlist.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           180,279 ae.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           173,867 anet.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           212,971 aof.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           144,946 bio.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           184,394 bitops.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           145,435 blocked.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           346,395 cluster.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           275,717 config.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           140,105 crc16.obj
2019/09/22  00:25             4,935 crc64.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           200,843 db.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           188,956 debug.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           155,589 dict.obj
2019/09/22  00:25             3,462 endianconv.obj
2019/09/22  00:24             1,536 EventLog.dll
2019/09/22  00:25           174,621 geo.obj
2019/09/22  00:24            33,492 geohash.lib
2019/09/22  00:24           720,236 hiredis.lib
2019/09/22  00:25           190,309 hyperloglog.obj
2019/09/22  00:25            87,599 intset.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           173,700 latency.obj
2019/09/22  00:24         1,314,724 lua.lib
2019/09/22  00:25             9,543 lzf_c.obj
2019/09/22  00:25             8,648 lzf_d.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           127,784 memtest.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           153,158 multi.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           230,473 networking.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           144,942 notify.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           176,426 object.obj
2019/09/22  00:25             7,986 pqsort.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           158,720 pubsub.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           107,257 quicklist.obj
2019/09/22  00:25             3,691 rand.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           219,987 rdb.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           374,272 redis-benchmark.exe
2019/09/22  00:25           246,272 redis-check-aof.exe
2019/09/22  00:25           175,956 redis-check-rdb.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           436,224 redis-cli.exe
2019/09/22  00:25               582 redis-server.Build.CppClean.log
2019/09/22  00:26         1,228,288 redis-server.exe
2019/09/22  00:26        12,267,520 redis-server.pdb
2019/09/22  00:26            41,492 RedisServer.log
2019/09/22  00:26    <DIR>          RedisServer.tlog
2019/09/22  00:25             4,978 release.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           235,800 replication.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           178,258 rio.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           261,793 scripting.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           160,417 sds.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           332,356 sentinel.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           354,594 server.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           149,356 sha1.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           147,471 slowlog.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           166,250 sort.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           144,209 sparkline.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           141,460 syncio.obj
2019/09/22  00:52                 0 t.txt
2019/09/22  00:25           182,790 t_hash.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           188,081 t_list.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           187,713 t_set.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           165,941 t_string.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           277,401 t_zset.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           157,673 util.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           274,432 vc141.pdb
2019/09/22  00:24        10,830,044 Win32_Interop.lib
2019/09/22  00:25           178,696 ziplist.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           157,528 zipmap.obj
2019/09/22  00:25           125,021 zmalloc.obj

How to set  max memory with Redis on Windows server


# maxmemory <bytes> 1073741824
maxmemory 1024*1024*1024





