In this article, we will create a reusable grid component for Blazor called BlazorGrid. It will display the user data in a grid and will support the client-side pagination.
Take a look at the final application.
Table of Contents
.Net 6.x
Creating Blazor Library project
Creating BlazorGrid component
Now, we will add the component view page to our project. Right-click on the BlazorGridComponent project and then select Add >> New Item. An “Add New Item” dialog box will open; select “Web” from the left panel, then select “Razor” from templates panel, and name it BlazorGrid.razor. Click Add. Refer to the image below.
@typeparam TableItem
<table class="table">
<tr class="jsgrid-grid-header">@GridHeader</tr>
@foreach (var item in ItemList)
<tr class="jsgrid-row-item">@GridRow(item)</tr>
<div class="pagination">
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-info" onclick=@(async () => SetPagerSize("back"))>«</button>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-secondary" onclick=@(async () => NavigateToPage("previous"))>Prev</button>
@for (int i = startPage; i <= endPage; i++)
var currentPage = i;
<button class="btn pagebutton @(currentPage==curPage?"currentpage":"")" onclick=@(async () => updateList(currentPage))>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-secondary" onclick=@(async () => NavigateToPage("next"))>Next</button>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-info" onclick=@(async () => SetPagerSize("forward"))>»</button>
<span class="pagebutton btn btn-link disabled">Page @curPage of @totalPages</span>
@code {
int totalPages;
int curPage;
int pagerSize;
int startPage;
int endPage;
public RenderFragment GridHeader { get; set; }
public RenderFragment<TableItem> GridRow { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<TableItem> Items { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<TableItem> ItemList { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
pagerSize = 5;
curPage = 1;
ItemList = Items.Skip((curPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(Items.Count() / (decimal)PageSize);
public void updateList(int currentPage)
ItemList = Items.Skip((currentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
curPage = currentPage;
public void SetPagerSize(string direction)
if (direction == "forward" && endPage < totalPages)
startPage = endPage + 1;
if (endPage + pagerSize < totalPages)
endPage = startPage + pagerSize - 1;
endPage = totalPages;
else if (direction == "back" && startPage > 1)
endPage = startPage - 1;
startPage = startPage - pagerSize;
public void NavigateToPage(string direction)
if (direction == "next")
if (curPage < totalPages)
if (curPage == endPage)
curPage += 1;
else if (direction == "previous")
if (curPage > 1)
if (curPage == startPage)
curPage -= 1;
Create Blazor Server Web Application for test
Add Reference Razor Class Library project
Adding the BlazorGrid component to the Blazor project
Using BlazorGrid component
Execution Demo
.Net 5.x
Here’s what you’ll need to use our Razor Class Library project with the Blazor framework:
Visual Studio 2019 with the ASP.NET and Web Development workload
.NET 5.0+ Framework
step 1:Create a new Razor Class Library project
step 2:Create a new Blazor Server Library project
source on github:
step 1:Create a Table component (Table.razor)
@typeparam TItem
<table class="table">
@foreach (var item in Items)
@code {
public RenderFragment TableHeader { get; set; }
public RenderFragment<TItem> RowTemplate { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyList<TItem> Items { get; set; }
Step 2:Add Reference Razor Class Library project
Step 3:
@page "/fetchdata"
@using iAspNetCore.RazorComponents
@using BlazorServer.Data
@inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService
<h1>Table Component Demo</h1>
<Table Items="forecasts">
ID | Name |
2021/2/15 | 49 |
2021/2/16 | 45 |
2021/2/17 | -1 |
2021/2/18 | 29 |
2021/2/19 | -4 |
.Net core 3.x
current version: asp .net core 3.x 2020.03.26
In this article, we will create a reusable grid component for Blazor called BlazorGrid. It will display the user data in a grid and supports client-side pagination.
Source Code
Get the source code from GitHub
Part one:Create Razor Class Library project named with iAspNetCore.RazorComponents
step 1:Create new a new Razor Class Library project
From Visual Studio
From Visual Studio select Create new a new project.
Select Razor Class Library > Next.
Name the library (for example, "iAspNetCore.RazorComponents"), > Create. To avoid a file name collision with the generated view library, ensure the library name doesn't end in .Views.
Select Support pages and views if you need to support views. By default, only Razor Pages are supported. Select Create.
From the command line
Navigate to the folder where you want to create your project.
Open the command prompt or Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
Run the following command:
dotnet new razorclasslib -o iAspNetCore.RazorComponents
step 2:Creating a BlazorGrid Component
@using System.Threading.Tasks;
@typeparam TableItem
<tr class="blazor-grid-header">@GridHeader</tr>
@foreach (var item in ItemList)
<tr class="blazor-row-item">@GridRow(item)</tr>
<div class="pagination">
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-info" @onclick="@(e => SetPagerSize("back"))">«</button>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => NavigateToPage("previous"))">Prev</button>
@for (int i = startPage; i <= endPage; i++)
var currentPage = i;
<button class="btn pagebutton @(currentPage==curPage?"currentpage":"")" @onclick="@(e =>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => NavigateToPage("next"))">Next</button>
<button class="btn pagebutton btn-info" @onclick="@(e => SetPagerSize(" forward"))">»</button>
<span class="pagebutton btn btn-link disabled">Page @curPage of @totalPages</span>
@code {
int totalPages;
int curPage;
int pagerSize;
int startPage;
int endPage;
/// <summary>
/// Header for BlazorGrid.
/// </summary>
public RenderFragment GridHeader { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Rows for BlazorGrid.
/// </summary>
public RenderFragment<TableItem> GridRow { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The list of item supplied to the BlazorGrid.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<TableItem> Items { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Size of each page of BlazorGrid. This is a required field.
/// </summary>
public int PageSize { get; set; }
IEnumerable<TableItem> ItemList { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
pagerSize = 5;
curPage = 1;
ItemList = Items.Skip((curPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(Items.Count() / (decimal)PageSize);
public void updateList(int currentPage)
ItemList = Items.Skip((currentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
curPage = currentPage;
public async Task SetPagerSize(string direction)
if (direction == "forward" && endPage < totalPages)
startPage = endPage + 1;
if (endPage + pagerSize < totalPages)
endPage = startPage + pagerSize - 1;
endPage = totalPages;
else if (direction == "back" && startPage > 1)
endPage = startPage - 1;
startPage = startPage - pagerSize;
public void NavigateToPage(string direction)
if (direction == "next")
if (curPage < totalPages)
if (curPage == endPage)
curPage += 1;
else if (direction == "previous")
if (curPage > 1)
if (curPage == startPage)
curPage -= 1;
Part two:using iAspNetCore.RazorComponents Razor Class Library project
Demo in blazor server project
step 1:Create a Blazor server Web Application
step 2:Adding the BlazorGrid Component to the Blazor server Project
Select Add Reference... Then, select the BlazorGridComponent project and click OK
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\libraries\iAspNetCore.RazorComponents\iAspNetCore.RazorComponents.csproj" />
step3:Using the BlazorGrid Component
Open TestApplication\Pages\FetchData.cshtml file. In the HTML section of the code put the following lines inside the else section.
@using iAspNetCore.RazorComponents
<BlazorGrid Items="@forecasts" PageSize="4">
Create reusable UI using the Razor class library project in ASP.NET Core
Weather forecast
This component demonstrates fetching data from a service.
Date | Temp. (C) | Temp. (F) | Summary |
2020/3/27 | 53 | 127 | Freezing |
2020/3/28 | 8 | 46 | Balmy |
2020/3/29 | 12 | 53 | Freezing |
2020/3/30 | -17 | 2 | Scorching |
2020/3/31 | 48 | 118 | Chilly |
Date | TemperatureC | TemperatureF | Summary |
2020/3/27 | 53 | 127 | Freezing |
2020/3/28 | 8 | 46 | Balmy |
2020/3/29 | 12 | 53 | Freezing |
2020/3/30 | -17 | 2 | Scorching |