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View a bin file in a hex editor in Visual Studio Code
Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code
I want to edit a binary file, but I don't want to use another tool other than Visual Studio because it's a pain to switch back and forth.
Is there perhaps an add-in or some built in functionality that can do that in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio Code 1.0 釋出後,自動變更成本機的語系,自動中文化了 如果想要維持使用英文版介面,可以這麼做 鍵盤輸入 Ctrl + Shift + P 跳出指令輸入框 輸入 語言 -- 即可找到 "設定語言" 只需把 Locale 的值變更成希望呈現的介面語系即可 繁中: zh-TW 英文: en-US 變更後,儲存並重開 Visual Studio Code 即可.
How do I see a bin file in a hex editor in Visual Studio Code?
Option 1:Visual Studio Code+ Hex Editor Extensions
Hex Editor
Visual Studio Code have its own native Hex Editor extension:Hex Editor
A custom editor extension for Visual Studio Code which provides a hex editor for viewing and manipulating files in their raw hexadecimal representation.
Option 2:Visual Studio Code+ Hexdump Extensions
1)安装Hexdump:在VSCode中按下Ctrl+P,激活打开窗口,输入“ext install slevesque.vscode-hexdump”,VSCode自动安装该插件(目标机需联网,非联网下的目标机怎么弄还没研究过)。
2)使用Hexdump:在VSCode的文件浏览窗口中选中待浏览的文件,点击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择“Show Hexdump”,这样该文件就会被打开并以以十六进制格式显示。
Hex edit a file in Visual Studio
Menu File → Open → File
Select the file to be opened
On the open file dialog at the bottom there is a down arrow on the "Open" button
Click "Open With..."
Click "Binary Editor"
Click OK
Or for the keyboard geeks out there:
Ctrl + o
Ctrl + v (paste filename)
Install Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the Command Palette
start typing ”display“
filter and display the ”Configure Display Language“ command.
Useful links