
A "Entity Framework-esque" service for MongoDB for usage in ASP.NET 5.



MausWorks.MongoDB Service A "Entity Framework-esque" service for MongoDB for usage in ASP.NET 5. Example usage:

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // No service for "MongoDB" has to be added or configured,
        // only configuration for the contexts.
        services .AddMongoDBContext<SomeContext>(Configuration.GetConfigurationSection("MongoDB:SomeContext")); 
        // alternatively:
        services.AddMongoDBContext<SomeContext>(o =>
            o.ConnectionString = "mongodb://usr:[email protected]:1337/database-name";
            o.DatabaseName = "database-name"; //or null if part of the connection-string }); 
            // Further configuration can be used as such: services.ConfigureMongoDBContext<SomeContext>(o =>
            // {
            // o.ClientSettings = new MongoClientSettings {
            // UseSsl = true,
            // WriteConcern = WriteConcern.WMajority,
            // ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Standalone
            // };
            // o.DatabaseSettings = new MongoDatabaseSettings {
            // ReadPreference = ReadPreference.PrimaryPreferred,
            // WriteConcern = new WriteConcern(1)
            // };
            // });
            // }
            // SomeContext.cs
            public class SomeContext : MongoDBContext 
        public IMongoCollection<SomeEntity> SomeEntities { get; set; } 
        public override void SetupCollections() 
            SomeEntities = CreateCollection<SomeEntity>("SomeEntities");
    Example configuration (config.json) 
                "ConnectionString": "mongodb://usr:[email protected]:1337/database-name",
                    "DatabaseName": "database-name"