
博客文章标记 'multiple core processors'

多核CPU并行编程:.Visual Studio c++ 多核并行运算编程实现可选方案之一:通过Windows多线程库CreateThread实现矩阵乘法的并行算法
多核CPU并行编程:.Visual Studio c++ 多核并行运算编程实现可选方案之一:通过Windows多线程库CreateThread实现矩阵乘法的并行算法
多核CPU并行编程:.Visual Studio c++ 多核并行运算编程实现可选方案之一:通过C线程库_beginthread实现多线程处理数组
多核CPU并行编程:.How to:Write a simple System.Linq.ParallelQuery
在用的时候只需要将它原本的类型转换成ParallelQuery<TSource>类型就行了. var items = from item in orders.AsParallel() where item.OName.Cont
Multiple Core Processors
Multiple-core processors have been available in personal computers since the early 2000s. Multi-core designs addressed the problem of processors hitting the ceiling of their physical limitations in terms of their clock speeds and how effectively they could be cooled and still maintain accuracy. By moving to extra cores on a single processor chip, manufacturers avoided problems with the clock speeds by effectively multiplying the amount of data that could be handled by the CPU.