

Prevent IIS (and potentially other reverse proxies) from unexpectedly compressing ASP.NET Core response

My Server-Sent Events Middleware seems to be a mine of interesting issues. The latest one was abo

Extending ASP.NET Core Response Compression With Support for Brotli
https://dzone.com/articles/extending-aspnet-core-response-compression-with-su-1 The amount of transferred data matters.
NopCommerce 3.4中移动端访问抛弃响应式布局
NopCommerce 3.4中移动端访问抛弃响应式布局 在Nop3.4中,他抛弃了原来的xxx.Mobile.cshtml的这种写法,而是采用了响应式布局,并且把规则也给改了,你在后台配置不启用响应式布局,在前台你仍然不能写xxx.Mo
Modern Web Development using ASP.NET Core template, Vue.js and Webpack
For example, consider the JavaScript landscape of frameworks to help you organize your client-side code. As of 2017, the
Serialization Performance comparison (C#/.NET) – Formats & Frameworks (XML–DataContractSerializer & XmlSerializer, BinaryFormatter, JSON– Newtonsoft & ServiceStack.Text, Protobuf, MsgPack)
ICTCLAS 汉语词性标注集
ICTCLAS 汉语词性标注集 http://fhqllt.iteye.com/blog/947917 ICTCLAS 汉语词性标注集 汉语文本词性标注标记集Ag 形语素 形容词性语素。形容词代码为a,语素代码g前面置以A。a 形容词
How to Send Mail Using SendGrid In Asp .NET Core
This post is about sending emails using Send Grid API in .NET Core. SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that allows
.NET Core中文分词组件提取关键词jieba.NET Core
.NET Core中文分词组件jieba.NET Core,由于实际的一些需求,需要做中文分词。 找到了一个 jieba.NET ,不过发现没有.NET Core 版本,看到有人在issue提.NET Core,便将j
一、前言 之前做solr索引的时候就使用了ANSJ进行中文分词,用着挺好,然而当时没有写博客记录的习惯。最近又尝试了好几种JAVA下的中文分词库,个人感觉还是ANSJ好用,在这里简单总结之。 二、什么是中文分词 百度百科对其定义如下:
https://github.com/hangxin1940/elasticsearch-cn-out-of-box为elasticsearch集成一些实用插件以及配置的开箱即用的版本。 ====== elasticsearch 1.4