

域名支持通配符,ASP.NET Core中配置CORS更轻松
  ASP.NET Core 内置了对 CORS 的支持,使用很简单,只需先在 Startup 的 ConfigureServices() 中添加 CORS 策略: public void ConfigureServices(
Custom Distributed caching with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase
Distributed caching can help to improve performance of an ASP.NET Core application. This is especially true for an ASP.N
full HTML cache for ASP.NET Core 1.0 using REDIS

http://zablo.net/blog/post/asp-net-core-redis-html-cache Previous versions of ASP.NET MVC framework had out-of-the-bo

XDocument.ToString() throwing hexadecimal value 0x13, is an invalid character exception
XDocument.ToString() throwing “' ', hexadecimal value 0x13, is an invalid character.” exceptionAsk Question&
How to write a CustomRequestCultureProvider in asp .Net Core

we able to detect language by providers already exists. To use them just add the providers to RequestCultureProv

How ASP.NET core determines the culture settings for localization

How ASP.NET Core determines the culture settings for localization

How ASP.NET Core determines the culture settings for localization


NopCommerce 4.x - @T
why is @T used in NopCommerce and what are its benefits / usage? It is used for localization. You can find same pattern
How the Localization middleware detecte and sets the culture in asp.net core

In ASP.NET Core, the Localization middleware can be used to ensure the correct culture settings are applied when serv
