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Building a Real-Time Chat Application with .NET 8 SignalR



SignalR is a powerful library in the .NET Core ecosystem that enables real-time communication between clients and servers. It allows you to build applications that push data from the server to clients in real-time, enabling features such as live notifications, chat applications, real-time dashboards, and more. In this guide, we will discuss how to build real-time applications with SignalR in .NET Core.


  • Basic knowledge of C# and .NET 8.x
  • Visual Studio 2022 or later installed
  • .NET  SDK installed

Step 1: Create a new .NET Core project

To get started, let's create a new .NET Core project in Visual Studio. Follow the steps below:

  • Open Visual Studio and select "Create a new project".
  • Search for "ASP.NET Core Web Application" in the project template search box.
  • Select "ASP.NET Core Web Application" template and click "Next".
  • Choose the desired project template (e.g., MVC, Razor Pages, etc.) and click "Next".
  • Enter a project name, choose a location for your project, and click "Create".

Step 2: Install SignalR NuGet package

Next, we need to install the SignalR NuGet package to our project. Follow the steps below:

  • Right-click on your project in Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages".
  • In the NuGet Package Manager, search for "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR" in the browse tab.
  • Select the "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR" package and click "Install".

Step 3: Configure SignalR in Program.cs

After installing the SignalR NuGet package, we need to configure it in the Startup.cs file of our project. Follow the steps below:

1. Open the Program.cs file in your project.

2. In the ConfigureServices method, add the following code to configure SignalR:


3. add the following code to enable SignalR:


 //step 3.configure SignalR endpoints

step 3.1. Enable detailed logs configure SignalR Server


    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Debug",
            "System": "Information",
            "Microsoft": "Information",
            "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR": "Debug",
            "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections": "Debug"

come from :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/signalr/diagnostics?view=aspnetcore-8.0

In this example, we're adding a hub called "ChatHub" and mapping it to the "/chathub" URL.

Step 4: Create a SignalR hub

Now, let's create a SignalR hub, which will be the central component that handles communication between clients and the server. Follow the steps below:


1. Create a new folder called "Hubs" in your project.

2. Inside the "Hubs" folder, add a new class called "ChatHub" with the following code: 

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace YourProjectNamespace.Hubs
    public class ChatHub : Hub
        public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
            // Send a message to all clients
            await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);

In this example, we're defining a hub called "ChatHub" that inherits from the SignalR Hub class. It has a method called "SendMessage" that sends a message to all clients using the "Clients.All.SendAsync" method.

Step 5: Implement SignalR client(JavaScript client)

Now, let's implement a SignalR client to connect to the hub and receive real-time updates. Follow the steps below:

1. In your project, add a new JavaScript file (e.g., chat.js) to the "wwwroot/js" folder.

2. In the chat.js file, add the following code to implement the SignalR client: 

"use strict";

var connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("/chatHub").build();

//Disable the send button until connection is established.
document.getElementById("sendButton").disabled = true;

connection.on("ReceiveMessage", function (user, message) {
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    // We can assign user-supplied strings to an element's textContent because it
    // is not interpreted as markup. If you're assigning in any other way, you 
    // should be aware of possible script injection concerns.
    li.textContent = `${user} says ${message}`;

connection.start().then(function () {
    document.getElementById("sendButton").disabled = false;
}).catch(function (err) {
    return console.error(err.toString());

document.getElementById("sendButton").addEventListener("click", function (event) {
    var user = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
    var message = document.getElementById("messageInput").value;
    connection.invoke("SendMessage", user, message).catch(function (err) {
        return console.error(err.toString());

In this example, we're creating a SignalR hub connection and defining a callback function to handle received messages from the server. We're also starting the connection and implementing a function to send messages to the server.

Step 6: Update client UI

Finally, let's update the client UI to interact with the SignalR client and display real-time updates. Follow the steps below:

1. Open the view file (e.g., Index.cshtml) where you want to display real-time updates.

2. Add the following code to include the chat.js file in the view:

<script src="~/js/chat.js"></script>

3. Update the HTML elements in the view to allow users to input their name and message, and add a button to send the message. For example:

    <input type="text" id="txtUser" />
    <input type="text" id="txtMessage" />
    <button onclick="sendMessage()">Send</button>

<ul id="messages"></ul>

4. Update the callback function in the chat.js file to append the received message to the messages ul element. For example:

// Define a callback function for receiving messages from the server
connection.on("ReceiveMessage", function (user, message) {
    // Handle received message
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    li.textContent = `${user}: ${message}`;

Now, when a user enters their name and a message in the input fields and clicks the "Send" button, the message will be sent to the server using SignalR, and the server will broadcast the message to all connected clients. The received message will be displayed in the messages ul element in real time.

That's it! You've successfully built a real-time application with SignalR in .NET Core. You can now explore more features of SignalR, such as groups, authorization, and handling connection events, to further enhance your real-time applications.

Step 7: Implement server side hub methods

On the server side, you need to implement hub methods that can be called by clients. Hub methods are public methods defined in your SignalR hub class that clients can invoke. Here's an example of how you can implement hub methods in your .NET Core SignalR hub:

public class ChatHub : Hub
    public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
        // Broadcast the received message to all connected clients
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);

In this example, we've implemented a hub method called "SendMessage" that takes in a user name and a message as parameters. The hub method uses the "Clients" property to broadcast the received message to all connected clients by calling the "SendAsync" method with the name of the client-side callback function ("ReceiveMessage") and the user and message as arguments.

Step 8: Implement client side hub methods

On the client side, you can also define hub methods that can be invoked from the server. Hub methods on the client side are defined as JavaScript functions with the same name as the server-side hub methods. Here's an example of how you can define and invoke client-side hub methods in your JavaScript code:

// Define a client-side hub method
connection.on("Notify", function (message) {
    // Handle server-side notification
    console.log("Notification: " + message);

// Invoke a server-side hub method
function notifyServer(message) {
    connection.invoke("NotifyServer", message).catch(function (err) {
        // Handle invoke hub method error

In this example, we've defined a client-side hub method called "Notify" that handles notifications from the server. We're also invoking a server-side hub method called "NotifyServer" with a message as a parameter using the "invoke" method. Note that the server-side hub method name is case-sensitive and must match the name defined in the server-side hub.

Step 9: Handle connection events

SignalR provides events that you can handle to respond to various connection-related events, such as when a connection is started, stopped, or reconnected. Here's an example of how you can handle connection events in your JavaScript code:

// Handle connection started event
connection.on("connected", function () {
    console.log("SignalR connection started.");

// Handle connection stopped event
connection.on("disconnected", function () {
    console.log("SignalR connection stopped.");

// Handle reconnected event
connection.on("reconnected", function () {
    console.log("SignalR reconnected.");

// Handle connection closed event
connection.on("closed", function () {
    console.log("SignalR connection closed.");

In this example, we're handling various connection events, such as "connected", "disconnected", "reconnected", and "closed", using the "on" method provided by the SignalR client. You can define your own logic to respond to these events, such as updating the UI or showing notifications, to enhance the user experience in your real-time application.

That's it! With these additional steps, you can further enhance your real-time application with SignalR in .NET Core by implementing server-side and client-side hub methods, as well as handling connection events to provide a robust and responsive real-time experience for your users.

Step 10: Implement authorization and authentication

SignalR provides built-in support for authorization and authentication to secure your real-time application. You can implement custom authorization and authentication logic in your SignalR hub to restrict access to certain hub methods or to authenticate clients before allowing them to connect to the hub. Here's an example of how you can implement authorization and authentication in your SignalR hub:

public class ChatHub : Hub
    public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
        // Broadcast the received message to all connected clients
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);

In this example, we've applied the "Authorize" attribute to the hub class, which requires clients to be authenticated before accessing the hub methods. You can also implement custom authorization logic in the hub using the "Context.User" property to access user information and apply your own authorization rules.


Step 11: Implement groups and broadcasting

SignalR allows you to group clients together and send messages to specific groups or broadcast messages to all connected clients. You can use groups to segment clients based on their roles, interests, or any other criteria, and send messages only to the clients in a specific group. Here's an example of how you can implement groups and broadcasting in your SignalR hub:

public class ChatHub : Hub
    public async Task JoinGroup(string groupName)
        await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
        await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "System", $"{Context.ConnectionId} joined {groupName}.");

    public async Task SendMessageToGroup(string groupName, string user, string message)
        await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);

    public async Task LeaveGroup(string groupName)
        await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
        await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "System", $"{Context.ConnectionId} left {groupName}.");

In this example, we've implemented hub methods to allow clients to join and leave groups, as well as send messages to a specific group. The "Groups" property is used to manage groups, and the "Clients.Group" method is used to send messages to a specific group. This allows you to segment clients and send targeted messages to specific groups of clients.

Step 12: Handle connection resilience and error handling

Real-time applications are prone to connectivity issues, such as network failures, disconnections, or server failures. SignalR provides built-in support for connection resilience, which allows your application to automatically reconnect and recover from connection issues. You can also implement error handling to handle any errors that may occur during the SignalR connection. Here's an example of how you can handle connection resilience and error handling in your SignalR client:

const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

// Handle reconnection started event
connection.onreconnecting((error) => {
    console.log("SignalR reconnecting.", error);

// Handle reconnection succeeded event
connection.onreconnected((connectionId) => {
    console.log("SignalR reconnected.", connectionId);

// Handle reconnection failed event
connection.onclose((error) => {
    console.log("SignalR connection closed.", error);

In this example, we've used the "withAutomaticReconnect" method to enable automatic reconnection in the SignalR client. We've also added event handlers for the "onreconnecting", "onreconnected", and "onclose" events to handle different scenarios during connection resilience. You can customize the logic inside these event handlers to suit your application's requirements, such as displaying a notification to the user, logging the error, or taking any other appropriate action.

Step 13: Implement error handling in the hub

In addition to handling errors on the client side, you can also implement error handling in your SignalR hub. SignalR allows you to catch errors that occur during hub method invocations and handle them gracefully. You can use try-catch blocks in your hub methods to catch errors and send error messages back to the clients. Here's an example of how you can implement error handling in your SignalR hub:

public class ChatHub : Hub
    public async Task SendMessage(string user, string message)
            // Hub method logic
            await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", user, message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Handle error and send error message to the client
            await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("ErrorMessage", ex.Message);

In this example, we've used a try-catch block to catch any errors that may occur during the invocation of the "SendMessage" hub method. If an error occurs, the "ErrorMessage" method is called on the caller client to send an error message back to the client. You can customize the error-handling logic in your hub based on your application's requirements.

Step 14: Scale your SignalR application

If your real-time application requires high scalability and needs to handle a large number of concurrent connections, you may need to scale your SignalR application to accommodate the increased load. SignalR supports multiple backplanes for scaling, such as Azure SignalR Service, Redis, or SQL Server, which allow you to distribute the connections and messages across multiple servers. You can configure your SignalR application to use a backplane to achieve scalability. Here's an example of how you can configure SignalR to use Azure SignalR Service as a backplane:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddAzureSignalR(options =>
            options.ConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("AzureSignalR");

In this example, we've used the "AddAzureSignalR" method to configure SignalR to use Azure SignalR Service as the backplane. You need to provide the connection string for your Azure SignalR Service in the options.

Step 15: Implement SignalR client(.net client)

Finally, it's important to thoroughly test your SignalR application to ensure its reliability, performance, and scalability. You can use tools like Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.Testing or SignalR Test Client to write unit tests and integration tests for your SignalR application. You can also use performance testing tools to measure the performance of your SignalR application under different scenarios, such as high load, high latency, or high concurrency.

Optimizing your SignalR application is also crucial for ensuring its performance. You can optimize your SignalR application by minimizing the payload of messages, reducing unnecessary traffic, optimizing hub methods, and optimizing the use of backplanes or transports. You can also monitor your SignalR application using logging and monitoring tools to identify and resolve any performance or reliability issues.


Step 16. Implement SignalR client(TypeScript client)




In conclusion, building real-time applications with SignalR in .NET Core involves implementing hubs, configuring clients, handling authorization/authentication, implementing groups and broadcasting, handling connection resilience and error handling, optimizing for scalability, and testing and optimizing your application for performance. By following these steps, you can create robust and scalable real-time applications using SignalR in .NET Core. However, this is just a brief overview of the steps involved in building a SignalR application. SignalR offers many more features and capabilities that can be used to build sophisticated real-time applications. To learn more about SignalR, you can refer to the SignalR documentation and explore the various samples and tutorials available online.

Some of the advanced features offered by SignalR include:

  • Streaming: SignalR allows you to stream data from the server to the client in a real-time fashion. This can be useful for scenarios such as live video streaming, stock market updates, or real-time gaming.
  • Complex types: SignalR supports the transmission of complex types, such as objects or arrays, between the server and the client. This can simplify the implementation of real-time applications by allowing you to transmit structured data instead of raw text.
  • State management: SignalR allows you to maintain stateful connections between the server and the client. This can be useful for scenarios such as chat rooms, where you need to maintain a list of connected users or messages.
  • Automatic reconnection: SignalR automatically tries to reconnect the client in case of a disconnection, without the need for the client to manually initiate the reconnection.
  • Transports: SignalR supports multiple transports, such as WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, and Long Polling, to ensure maximum compatibility with different client and server configurations.

Building real-time applications with SignalR in .NET Core can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By leveraging the powerful features of SignalR, you can create real-time applications that offer seamless user experiences and meet the needs of your business or organization.